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Prevent Infections, Unclog Arteries, Lower High Cholesterol and Improve Your Immunity with This Ancient German Remedy

For this remedy you will only need four ingredients, and they can be found easily. Here’s what you need:

4 organic lemons with peel
Thumb-sized ginger root, or you can use 2 tablespoons grated ginger
4 large garlics


You will need to wash the lemons and cut them into pieces. Peel the garlic, and then put lemons, ginger and garlic into the blender. Blend until everything is mixed well. Put the mixture into the pan and add water. You will need to bring it to boil while stirring continuously. Leave it until it is cooled down and strain the liquid. Put the mixture in one bottle or jar.

How to use it:

You will need to drink one glass of this remedy two hours before every meal. Do this for three weeks and after that, take a break of one week, then start again for three more weeks. If you don’t like the taste, you can sweeten it with honey.

This remedy is very effective when it comes to kidney stones or vascular congestion. You will feel refreshed after just one week.