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Massage This Point in Between Your Eyebrows: Here’s the Incredible Effect On Your Body!

There is a simple acupressure self-massage technique which can provide amazing results. This technique requires applying pressure on your forehead. As a result, this simple massage provides relief from headaches and sinus infection.

Hence, instead of buying over-the-counter medicines, you can try this simple technique. This ancient method is part of the Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine.

Why Does Applying Pressure on the Forehead Provides Benefits?
According to many scientists and the MRI scans they tried, revealed that by applying pressure on certain points on the body can provide some amazing results. The points on the body are connected to the organs in the body. Hence, by applying a pressure on certain points on the body, you stimulate another area of your body. The points can be found on the foot, face, hands, and body.

Acupressure Points
There is a governing meridian which runs down the center of the face and the forehead. Hence, by applying pressure to this point, you activate the energy center under the skin and the flow of previously blocked energy to restore balance. Moreover, apply pressure on the forehead improves the circulation, reduces muscle tension and stimulates the brain function.

The point we are discussing today is called the Third Eye Point and it is also known as GV 24 (Governor Vessel). This point is located between the eyebrows, slightly above the upper bridge of the nose meets the forehead.

By applying pressure to this point on the forehead, you will improve concentration, relieve headaches, and strengthen the sense of intuition. All you should do is apply pressure to the point between your eyebrows for 45 seconds – 1 minute.

This acupressure technique provides rejuvenating effects. It prevents sagging face and wrinkles. Moreover, it eliminates the nervous tension and removes the negative metabolism. Additionally, regularly applying pressure will stimulate the blood and lymph flow, speeds up the healing process, firms the skin, and corrects the eye and mouth corners.